Business continuity during Covid-19 and beyond: Surviving the pandemic and flourishing in its wake – August 2020

Content: This paper is looking into key factors that help to improve companies’ business resilience. It identifies trends in the reactions of businesses to cope with COVID-19 and summarizes viable solutions that contribute to positive continuity of business activities.

Year: August 2020

Language: EN

Keywords: COVID-19, Pandemic, Business Resilience, Human Rights Due Diligence, Research, Sustainability, Supply Chain Management, Crises Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Transparency, Collaboration, Health & Safety, Digital Roadmap, Operational Effectiveness.

Abstract: This paper is the result of a Company Consultancy Projects (CCP) between Löning-Human Rights & Responsible Business and the ESCP-Business School in Berlin. The COVID-19 outbreak has been accompanied by economic uncertainty, factory shutdowns as disruption ripples back up supply chains and fears for the protection of workers. While many methods are currently being deployed whose effectiveness have yet to be seen, there are certain measures an organization can adopt early in order to prepare and be resilient to external shocks and crises. The paper identifies trends in the  reactions of businesses to cope with COVID-19 and summarizes solutions that contributed to positive continuity of business activities.. The results show that a robust human rights due diligence is an essential factor for getting through  the pandemic and to improve business resilience in the long-term. The analysis was conducted by MBA students from the ESCP.

Authors: Bhargavi Janaki, Gabrielle Kaufman, Manas Shukla